Top 10 Popular Methods in Ruby 3 with Examples

Top 10 Popular Methods in Ruby 3 with Examples

1. each

The each method is commonly used for iterating over collections like arrays and hashes.


2. map

map is used to transform each element of an array or collection, returning a new array with the results.


3. select

The select method returns a new array with elements that satisfy a condition.


4. reduce

reduce (also known as inject) combines elements of a collection based on a given operation.


5. split

The split method divides a string into an array based on a delimiter.


6. gsub

gsub performs a global substitution, replacing all occurrences of a pattern in a string.


7. compact

The compact method removes nil elements from an array.


8. any?

The any? method returns true if any element in a collection satisfies a condition.


9. all?

all? checks if all elements in a collection satisfy a condition.


10. find

The find method returns the first element that satisfies a condition.



These Ruby methods are some of the most commonly used ones in day-to-day programming, and understanding them well can significantly improve your coding efficiency. Each method has its specific use case and can be combined to build clean, expressive, and efficient Ruby code.

Feel free to experiment with these examples and apply them in your projects!


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