Avoid N+1 Queries in Rails: Best Practices for Optimized Performance

To avoid the N+1 query problem in Rails, you need to minimize database queries that result in multiple individual queries for each record, which can slow down performance. Here’s how to prevent N+1 queries and when to apply these techniques:

0/ Setup model

# == Schema Information
# Table name: profiles
#  id           :bigint           not null, primary key
#  display_name :string
#  phone        :string
#  created_at   :datetime         not null
#  updated_at   :datetime         not null
#  household_id :bigint
#  user_id      :string
class Profile < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :household, optional: true
  has_many :owned_households, class_name: 'Household', foreign_key: 'owner_id'

# == Schema Information
# Table name: households
#  id          :bigint           not null, primary key
#  address     :string
#  invite_code :string
#  name        :string
#  created_at  :datetime         not null
#  updated_at  :datetime         not null
#  owner_id    :bigint
class Household < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :owner, class_name: 'Profile', foreign_key: 'owner_id', optional: true
  has_many :profiles

1/ Eager loading – includes

  • Can avoid N+1
  • Rails will retrieve all required data in one or two queries instead of querying for each record separately.
  • Can not use SQL on the associate table (households) by default. But it possible with references()
    • if use symbol, it’s association name, in this case, it :owned_households
    • if use 'string', it’s the table name.
  • Use includes when you need to load associated records to avoid multiple queries.
  • Rails will retrieve all required data in one or two queries instead of querying for each record separately.

When to use: When you know you’ll need associated records for a large collection.

# Let’s count the number of households owned by the profile

Profile.includes(:owned_households).map {|p| p.owned_households.size }
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# Let’s add condition and check if it works or not

Profile.includes(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,4)')
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# Let’s use references

  • The query looks like eager_load, use SQL and LEFT OUTER JOIN
Profile.includes(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,4)').references(:owned_households).map {|p| p.owned_households.size }
Screenshot-2024-10-24-at-23.37.47 Avoid N+1 Queries in Rails: Best Practices for Optimized Performance

2/ Preloading – preload

  • Can avoid N+1
  • Always generate separate queries.
  • Can not use where on households, even if it has references or not.
Profile.preload(:owned_households).map {|p| p.owned_households.size }
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3/ eager_load

  • Can avoid N+1
  • Convert to SQL, use LEFT OUTER JOIN
  • Can use SQL on the associate table.
Profile.eager_load(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)').map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size }
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4/ joins

  • Can NOT avoid N+1, but we can use it with select or includes
  • Can use SQL on the associate table
  • joins performs an SQL JOIN and loads associated data in one query, but it doesn’t return the associated records.
  • Use joins when you need to filter or sort records based on associated data but don’t need to retrieve the associated records.

When to use: When you’re querying based on the associated table but don’t need to access its data later.

Profile.joins(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)').map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size }
image-67 Avoid N+1 Queries in Rails: Best Practices for Optimized Performance

5/ Using select with joins or includes

  • You can combine select with joins or includes to only fetch specific columns you need, avoiding loading unnecessary data.

When to use: When you want to minimize the data loaded from the database for performance reasons.

 Profile.joins(:owned_households).select('households.id as h_id, households.name as h_name, profiles.id as p_id, profiles.display_name')
image-68 Avoid N+1 Queries in Rails: Best Practices for Optimized Performance
Profile.joins(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)').includes(:owned_households).map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size }
Screenshot-2024-10-24-at-23.37.14 Avoid N+1 Queries in Rails: Best Practices for Optimized Performance

#generate household name

Profile.joins(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)')
  .select('profiles.id, households.id as house_id , households.name as house_name,profiles.display_name as owner_name')
  .map{|r| "house_id: #{r.house_id} - name: #{r.house_name} belongs to #{r.owner_name}"}
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Some test code:

Profile.preload(:owned_households).map {|p| p.owned_households.length } # separate query
Profile.preload(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)')
Profile.includes(:owned_households).map {|p| p.display_name }
Profile.includes(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,4)').references(:owned_households).map {|p| p.owned_households.length } # separate query
Profile.joins(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)').map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size } # innter join
Profile.eager_load(:owned_households).map {|p| p.display_name} # left outer join, can use where condition on joined table
Profile.eager_load(:owned_households).map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size } # left outer join, can use where condition on joined table
Profile.eager_load(:owned_households).where('households.id IN (1,2,3,4)').map{|profile| profile.owned_households.size } # left outer join, can use where condition on joined table