Building Multi-Platform Docker Images with docker buildx

docker buildx
docker buildx

In the world of containerization, building Docker images for different platforms can be essential, especially when your application needs to run on various operating systems and architectures. Docker’s buildx command extends Docker’s build capabilities by making it easier to build images that support multiple platforms (e.g., Linux, Windows, and ARM).

This blog will guide you through using docker buildx to build multi-platform Docker images, why it’s beneficial, and how it can improve your DevOps workflow.

What is Docker Buildx?

Docker buildx is an experimental feature that enhances Docker’s image-building process. It provides more advanced features like:

  • Multi-platform builds: Build an image that can run on different OS platforms and architectures, like linux/amd64, linux/arm64, and more.
  • Cross-compilation: Build images on a host machine for platforms other than the host’s architecture.
  • Cache export/import: Speed up the build process by reusing cached layers from previous builds.
  • External Builders: Use containerized builders (like Kubernetes or remote build servers). (read more)

buildx uses BuildKit, a modern backend for building Docker images that speeds up builds and adds more flexibility to the build process.

Why Use Docker Buildx?

  • Multi-platform Compatibility: Create a single image that can be deployed across multiple platforms, avoiding the need to manage different images for each platform.
  • Improved Performance: BuildKit’s advanced caching strategies and parallel builds can significantly speed up the image-building process.
  • Cross-Architecture Building: You can build images for architectures that are different from your host machine, making it easier to develop for ARM devices like Raspberry Pi.
  • Increased Flexibility: Buildx allows the use of external builders, which is useful for CI/CD pipelines or Kubernetes-based environments.

How to Use docker buildx

Step 1: Install Docker Buildx

If you’re using Docker Desktop, Buildx comes pre-installed. However, for Linux or server environments, you might need to install it manually.

To check if buildx is installed:

docker buildx version

If it’s not installed, you can add it by running:

docker build --install

Step 2: Set Up Buildx Builder

To take full advantage of Buildx, you need to set up a builder instance. This can be a local builder, or you can run a more advanced setup like a remote Kubernetes builder.

To create a new builder instance, run:

docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use

This sets mybuilder as the active builder.

Step 3: Building a Multi-Platform Image

Once the builder is ready, you can build an image for multiple platforms using the --platform flag.

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myapp:latest .

In this example, the image will be built for both amd64 (common for x86 machines) and arm64 (popular for ARM processors like Raspberry Pi).

Step 4: Push to a Docker Registry

To push your multi-platform image to a registry (like Docker Hub, GitHub Packages, or your own registry), simply add the --push flag:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myregistry/myapp:latest --push .

This will build and push the images for both architectures in a single process.

A Real-World Example

Let’s walk through a practical example where we build a Docker image that supports both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms and push it to a Docker registry like GitLab.

Here’s the command:

docker buildx build \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --builder kamal-local-docker-container \
  -t \
  -t \
  --label service="sudo_auth" \
  --file Dockerfile .

In this command:

  • We specify linux/amd64 as the platform for which we are building the image.
  • We use the kamal-local-docker-container as the builder instance.
  • We tag the image both with a specific commit hash (6a95a12f8d0e2779fe7cf8b9d430f69e05965cf3) and latest for easy version management.
  • We label the service as "sudo_auth" to ensure it is categorized and identifiable within the registry.

Use Cases for docker buildx

  1. Cross-Architecture Development: If you’re developing software for ARM-based systems (like Raspberry Pi or mobile devices) but using a traditional x86 machine, you can build images for ARM using docker buildx.
  2. Multi-Platform Deployments: If your application needs to run on different platforms (e.g., Windows and Linux), buildx allows you to create a single image that works across all platforms.
  3. CI/CD Pipelines: With docker buildx, you can simplify your CI/CD pipeline by building and pushing multi-platform images in one go, rather than maintaining separate pipelines for different architectures.


Docker buildx is a powerful tool for building Docker images that can run on multiple platforms and architectures. It simplifies workflows for developers working in heterogeneous environments and offers enhanced performance and flexibility over traditional Docker builds.

By mastering buildx, you can optimize your DevOps processes, reduce complexity, and ensure your applications are portable across a variety of devices and platforms.

Compare with docker build

Here’s a comparison table between the traditional docker build and the advanced docker buildx:

Featuredocker builddocker buildx
Multi-platform supportLimited, requires manual workaroundsFull support for building images for multiple platforms in one command
Cross-compilationNot natively supportedSupported, enabling building for different architectures (e.g., ARM on an x86 machine)
PerformanceSlower due to lack of parallel build cachingFaster builds with advanced BuildKit caching and parallelism
CachingBasic layer cachingAdvanced caching mechanisms (export/import caches for faster builds)
External buildersNot supportedSupports external builders, allowing builds to run in remote environments like Kubernetes or cloud-based setups
Push multi-arch imagesNot supported nativelyCan push multi-architecture images directly to Docker registries with the --push flag
Multi-node supportNoYes, allows building on multiple nodes for distributed builds
Image driver supportLimited to local Docker daemonCan use different backends (Docker, Kubernetes, containerized builders)
Custom Build ScriptsRequires additional scriptingSupports advanced features natively, with clean integration of advanced build processes
AvailabilityDefault in DockerRequires enabling experimental features and using BuildKit
Output FormatsLimited to local Docker imagesSupports multiple output formats including Docker images, local tar files, or OCI images
Compare table

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