React Coin Celebration Animation Component | Interactive Particle Effects



Today, we’ll explore how to create a spectacular coin celebration effect, similar to winning celebrations in casino games. This effect includes coins bursting outward and flying to a target point, accompanied by light effects and a backdrop animation.

Try to dive into the deep research demo on Playground

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS: UI and state management
  • Framer Motion: Smooth animations
  • TailwindCSS: Styling
  • Lodash: Utility functions


  • Basic understanding of React Hooks (useState, useEffect)
  • Familiarity with TailwindCSS
  • Basic knowledge of animations and transforms

Component Analysis

1. Particle System
const ParticleSystem = ({ totalParticles, animatedCount, isActive, gcRef, onFirstCoinReachTarget }) => {
    // ... code

Main component managing the entire particle system. Props:

  • totalParticles: Total number of coins
  • animatedCount: Number of animated coins
  • gcRef: References to target points
  • onFirstCoinReachTarget: Callback when first coin reaches target
2. Animation Structure
a. Backdrop Effect
    className="fixed inset-0 bg-black/90 z-10"
    initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
        opacity: isVisibleGC ? 0.9 : 0,
        display: isVisibleGC ? "block" : "none"
        duration: 0.2,
        ease: "easeInOut"
  • Creates a dark background with 0.9 opacity
  • Smooth fade in/out animation
b. Particle Animation
const calculateExplosionPath = (position, index, total) => {
    // Calculate particle path
    return {
        initial: { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0.1 },
        explosion: { x: explosionX, y: explosionY, scale: 0.7 },
        collection: { x: locationX, y: locationY, scale: 0.3 }

Animation divided into three phases:

  1. Initial: Starting position
  2. Explosion: Burst outward
  3. Collection: Flying to target
3. Animation Techniques
a. Sequence Player
const Particle = ({ frames, isAnimated }) => {
    const [currentFrame, setCurrentFrame] = useState(() => 
        Math.floor(random() * frames.length - 10)

    useEffect(() => {
        if (isAnimated) {
            const interval = setInterval(() => {
                setCurrentFrame(prev => (prev + 1) % frames.length);
            }, 40);
            return () => clearInterval(interval);
    }, [isAnimated, frames.length]);
    return <motion.img src={frames[currentFrame]} alt="particle" />;
  • Creates animation by switching frames
  • 40ms interval for 25fps
  • Random start frame for variety

b. Timing Control

const timing = {
    delay: index * 0.015,  // Delay between coins
    duration: 1.5         // Flight duration
  • Incremental delay creates sequential effect
  • Duration controls flight speed

Tips and Tricks

  1. Performance Optimization
// Use React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders
const Particle = React.memo(({ frames, isAnimated }) => {
    // ... code
  1. Dynamic Positioning
const getCircularPosition = (innerRadius, outerRadius) => {
    const angle = random() * Math.PI;
    const r = Math.sqrt(random() * (outerRadius ** 2 - innerRadius ** 2) + innerRadius ** 2);
    return {
        x: r * Math.cos(angle),
        y: r * Math.sin(angle)
  • Generates random positions in a circle
  • Ensures even distribution
  1. Cleanup
useEffect(() => {
    let mounted = true;
    let timeouts = [];
    // ... code
    return () => {
        mounted = false;
}, [isActive]);
  • Cleans up timeouts to prevent memory leaks
  • Checks mounted state before updates


This effect combines multiple techniques:

  • Particle systems
  • Frame-based animation
  • Motion transitions
  • Dynamic positioning
  • Timing control

For smooth effects, remember to:

  1. Synchronize animation timings
  2. Properly clean up resources
  3. Optimize performance with React.memo
  4. Use Framer Motion for complex animations

Further Learning Resources

This article helps you understand how to build a complex effect from basic concepts. Experiment and create your own variations!

Bonus Tips

  • Use transform instead of position properties for better performance
  • Implement progressive enhancement for slower devices
  • Consider adding sound effects for more impact
  • Test on different screen sizes and devices
  • Use requestAnimationFrame for smooth animations
  • Consider adding error boundaries for robustness

Remember, great animations enhance user experience but should never interfere with functionality. Always prioritize performance and accessibility in your implementations.